
Oct. 14, 2001 - Fiscal Year to Match Calendar Year
SOHA by unananimous vote approved the change of By Laws to make the Fiscal Year match the Calendar Year, ie. January 1 to December 31.
Oct. 14, 2001  - Same Dues Approved
SOHA by unananimous vote approved the continue the same yearly dues of $75.00 per member family.
Dec. 28, 2006  - Same Dues Approved
SOHA by unananimous vote approved the continue the same yearly dues of $75.00 per member family.
Dec. 28, 2007  - Same Dues Approved
SOHA by unananimous vote approved the continue the same yearly dues of $75.00 per member family.
July 9, 2011  - SOHA General Meeting & Summer Party
Meeting to elect new board
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